据估计,在未来几年内, 70 percent of all marketing spend will be in digital marketing.

准备好辅修数字营销. You’ll enter the workforce ready able to use the latest digital marketing technologies — and with the industry-recognized certifications to prove it.

Help a company or cause you care about reach its audience in the digital age. 你将学习市场营销的核心原则, 再加上数字世界特有的技能, like content creation, social media marketing, web design, analytics, 搜索引擎优化和更多.

Your classes will translate directly to the requirements of marketing jobs — you’ll even take on projects like creating a social media marketing plan for a real-life client, and planning and running a paid search campaign for a company or nonprofit.

你的教授会很有经验, industry-recognized marketers who will help you connect with internships and employers in Austin, 经济蓬勃发展,科技蓬勃发展. And you’ll have the chance to earn certifications in employer-preferred marketing technologies like Hootsuite, HubSpot Inbound, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Marketo and Salesforce. When you graduate, you’ll have the practical experience to help any organization share its message and measure its impact.